Use Donately with Prosper by Santander

Personal Finance Management
Prosper by Santander

Donately & Prosper by Santander integration

About Donately

Donately's online donation software is perfect for nonprofits, churches & schools. Our online donation forms & fundraising pages will help grow your impact.

About Prosper by Santander

Hvis du er i tvivl om, hvordan du får Prosper, så læs med her. Vi gennemgår, hvordan du får adgang til Santanders nye digitale platform. Prosper samler data fra forskellige banker, så du kun behøver kigge ét sted for at få et fuldt overblik over din økonomi.

Are You Ready to Grow Your Impact Online?

Donately provides the online fundraising tools you need to improve your donor experience, simplify your processes and increase online revenue.